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Clever Clogs Pre-school. 

8.1 Covid Policy

Policy Statement
This policy includes the measures we are actively taking to ensure the safety of all staff and children at Clever Clogs Pre-school, during the Coronavirus outbreak. We will work alongside the advice and recommendations from The World Health Organisation, The Government and The NHS. This policy is susceptible to changes and will be reviewed as and when The Government update their guidance relating to the Early Years sector. 


1. Getting a COVID-19 test


  • Regular lateral flow testing is no longer required amongst staff however if anyone wishes to get a test, they can arrange to do so by visiting
  • If a child or member of staff tests positive for Covid-19, we ask that the setting is notified for our own records.

2. Hygiene and Health & Safety

  • Children and staff are required to wash their hands/use hand sanitiser upon arrival and at appropriate times through-out the session.
  • Hand sanitiser is available for staff in the kitchen area.
  • Children must use the hand sanitiser to wash their hands before and after snack time. Hands must continue to be washed before children sit down for lunch.
  • Toys, resources and furniture are regularly cleaned at the end of each session.
  • Snack and lunch tables are cleaned and disinfected in between uses.
  • Hired cleaners continue to clean premises on a daily basis. 
  • Windows will be kept open for the duration of the session where possible to ensure ventilation. A CO2 monitor is also used daily to help ensure ventilation is good.
  • Activities, learning, snack and lunch will be set up in the garden where possible to help with ventilation and reduce the risk of infection.
  • Resources such as play-doh are thrown at the end of each session and not used for a few days at a time. The use of play-doh will be assessed regularly and may be temporarily removed as and when infection rates spike in our local area.

3. Dropping off and picking up


  • One at a time, parents are required to drop their child at the front door where a member of staff is located. At this point they must hand over their child’s belongings for the day. At our Westerings site, this is done upon entry into the classroom.
  • Staff take children’s temperatures at the front door and clean childrens hands with hand gel before they enter the building. Temperatures higher than 38C will be sent home.
  • Staff will hand over children to their parents one at a time from the backroom at collection time. At our Westerings site, children are handed over one at a time at the school gate.

4. Attendance


  • If either staff, children or visitors test positive for Covid, we advise them not to attend setting for 5 consecutive days.
  • If a child is not attending the setting due to a positive Covid case, we must be notified in order to update our absences records.


5. Communication with parents and staff

  • Parents are kept up to date with any changes made to the setting and provision via email, text, letter or/and our private Facebook group.
  • We continue to arrange various open days and events where parents/guardians are welcomed into setting to stay and play, and discuss their child’s progress.


Policy review
Date: 24th February 2022
Reviewed by: Hannah (Deputy Manager)
A review of the ‘covid policy’ was required due to the changes in government guidance. This includes the removal of covid restrictions and the legal obligation to isolate.



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