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Equality of Opportunity

Clever Clogs Pre-school. 

2.4 Behaviour Policy

Policy statement
At Clever Clogs we aim to encourage our children to develop self respect and encourage their self esteem, we recognise the importance of setting a good example as adults and having realistic expectations of the children in our care. We believe we can achieve positive behaviour by working together with parents and that the foundations of this behaviour comes from promoting personal, social and emotional development. We make it clear to the child that it is the behaviour that we are unhappy with, not the child.
Behaviour is a way of communicating, we understand that children may at times feel angry, confused, threatened or worried, and that we need to enable them to deal with these emotions in a positive way.
We aim to support the children to achieve pro-social behaviour to enable them to show consideration for others and empathise with them, and for example to learn how to share and take turns.
Children are given a key person during their time at Clever Clogs, this person is responsible for following individuals development, observing and monitoring causes of concern, and discussing with parents how to address these concerns. 



  • At Clever Clogs we make it clear to the child that it is the behaviour that we are unhappy with, not the child.
  • In accordance with the child’s age and understanding, we help the child to find solutions for their inappropriate behaviour, by acknowledging feelings, explaining what was unacceptable, and supporting the child to gain control of their feelings so they can respond more appropriately in the future.
  • We try to limit conflict over toys, by supplying enough popular toys that are age appropriate planning variety of activities and staffing activities to support sharing and waiting turns.
  • We use visual prompts such as timers so that children are more aware of the time limit whilst engaged at an activity and whilst waiting.
  • We are aware that praise for positive behaviour will encourage children to duplicate that behaviour again. Feeling good about themselves, and by giving children a sense of belonging, develops self esteem and happy confident children are more competent learners. 
  • Methods used to encourage appropriate behaviour need to remain positive so that children feel good about themselves. 
  • Instead of giving negative instructions, we try to give positive ones, and by teaching children what they could be doing, we replace negative behaviour with positive. 
  • We encourage children to show they are sorry for inappropriate behaviour, for instance by giving the injured party a tissue if they are crying, or returning a toy that was taken.
  • Children are never isolated for inappropriate behaviour, in some instances, when emotions are running high, it may be necessary for an adult to sit with a child away from the other children and give them some 'thinking time', where it is made clear why the behaviour is unacceptable and how the behaviour can be avoided in future.
  • Children are never threatened with physical punishment, and we do not use techniques that would humiliate or single out a child.
  • We do not shout at children in response to inappropriate behaviour, we may have to use ‘holding’ as a technique to calm a child who may be at risk from physically harming themselves or other children, adults or property.


  • Swearing and abusive behaviour are not tolerated from anyone at the pre-school. If any member of staff exhibits such behaviour they will be subject to the settings disciplinary procedures.
  • Staff will need to help to set up and pack away the setting and engage in physical activities with the children. Therefore, the clothing and footwear worn should be chosen accordingly, taking into account comfort, health and safety, and practicality. Revealing or excessively tight clothing is not acceptable.
  • Staff must not pass on any information about children attending the pre-school, or their parents and families, to third parties without their permission.
  • Staff should maintain professional relationships with children and families in the setting and not have contact with them outside of work. This is with the exception of those who are family or friends prior to starting the setting.
  • Staff should not contact families via social media whilst they are enrolled at the setting.
  • Staff mobile phones should remain in the kitchen. If a member of staff must take an emergency call, they are able to do so in the kitchen.
  • Staff must never use their mobile phones to take photos of the children in setting.
  • Staff are not permitted to smoke anywhere on the pre -school premises, including the garden area.
  • Staff are not permitted to bring alcohol or illegal drugs onto the premises. If a member of staff arrives at work under the influence of alcohol or drugs they will be asked to leave immediately and disciplinary action will be taken.
  • Any prescribed medication needed by a staff member whilst at the pre-school, must be stored safely in the kitchen, out of reach and sight of the children.
  • Staff will be dismissed without notice if they are found to have committed an act of gross misconduct. Examples of gross misconduct include, but are not restricted to:

·  Child abuse 
·  Physical violence 
·  Persistent bullying, sexual or racial harassment
·  Being unfit for work through alcohol or illegal drug use

Date: September 2021

Reviewed by: Hannah Miller (Deputy Manager)
A review of the ‘Behaviour’ policy was carried out.


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