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Equality of opportunity

Clever Clogs Pre-school. (Westerings setting)

2.1 Supporting children with special educational needs and disabilities

Policy statement.

We provide an environment in which all children, including those with special educational needs and disabilities are supported to reach their full potential.

  • We have regard for the DfES special educational needs and disabilities and disability code of practice: 0 to 25 years.
  • We ensure our provision is inclusive to all children with special educational needs and disabilities. We do this by including their needs in the day to day planning of the setting and by adapting, where necessary activities to meet these needs.
  • We support parents and children with special educational needs and disabilities by having regular meetings with parents to discuss their children’s individual educational plans and progression. We use a home/school diary to keep parents updated on their child’s daily experiences within the setting. Makaton signing is used within the setting, alongside picture cards and symbols to visually enhance and expand the settings daily routines, activities and songs.
  • All staff have received training in Makaton and many of the staff have undertaken training relating to Autism, communications and language difficulties, Down Syndrome and visual and auditory impairment.
  • We identify the specific needs of children with special educational needs and disabilities and meet these needs through a range of specific strategies including regular observations. From the observations, areas of improvement are assessed and included in our forward planning.
  • We work in continual partnership with parents, our area Inclusion Partner (IP), the educational psychologist and numerous other paediatric professionals and services in order to meet the child’s individual needs. Our SENCO and other members of staff frequently attend one planning meetings that are held quite often within the setting or at another local venue.
  • We monitor and review our policy, practice and provision and adapt accordingly as necessary.


  • We designate a member of staff to be the special educational needs and disabilities Co-ordinator (SENCO) and give her name to parents. Our SENCO is Mrs H. Faherty.
  • We ensure that our inclusive admissions practice provides access and opportunity. The premises have ramp access for entry to the hall and the outside area which all children use on a daily basis.
  • We use the graduated response system for children with special educational needs and disabilities, using the process; Assess, Plan, Do, and Review.
  • We work closely with parents and carers of children with special educational needs and disabilities to create and maintain a positive and supportive partnership.
  • We ensure that parents are informed at all stages of the assessment, planning provision and review of their child’s education.
  • We provide parents/carers with information on sources of independent advice and support.
  • We liaise with other professionals that are involved in the care of children with special educational needs and their families.
  • We provide support at times of major transition i.e. to other settings and schools. New schools are invited to attend One Plan meetings, where alongside the family, we can share key information to aid the transition and they are invited to visit and observe the child in the familiar environment of our setting. A member of staff is available to accompany the child and family on a visit to the new school.
  • We provide a broad, balanced and differentiated curriculum for all children with special educational needs and disabilities.
  • We use a system of planning, implementing, monitoring and evaluating children with special educational needs and disabilities. The targets are implemented with the involvement of the parents, using the One Plan and One Page Profile. The SENCO, parents/carers and any other professionals who may be involved also focus on targets set at a One Planning meeting.
  • We ensure children with special educational needs and disabilities are appropriately involved at all stages of the graduated response taking into account their levels of ability.
  • We have systems, resources and staff in place for children who have an Education Health Care Plan (EHCP).
  •  We use a system for keeping records of the assessment, planning, provision and review for children with special educational needs and disabilities.
  • We provide in service training for parents, practitioners and volunteers. e.g. Makaton training, administrating medicine.
  • We raise awareness of any specialism the setting has to offer. e.g. Makaton trained staff, and knowledge gained through experience of working with children with varying special educational needs and disabilities.
  • We ensure the effectiveness of our special educational needs and disabilities provision by collecting information from a range of sources such as One Plan meetings, staff meetings, parental and external agency’s views and inspections. This information is collated, evaluated and reviewing annually.
  • We provide a complaints procedure.
  • We monitor and review our policy regularly.


This policy was adopted at a meeting of Clever Clogs Pre-School held on 20th August 2014.

Signed on behalf of owner and all staff

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